Kittens leave the breeding cattery when they are 13-14 weeks old. On the way to their new homes they recelve vet record books, Pedigrees, as well as sets containing pet food for a few days, a favourite toy and cat snacks. Each kitten wille be dewormed and vaccinated twice. We sign  a deal with the new owner. We do our utmost to keep our pets healhty and make them happy, purry and easily adapt to their new homes.


Miot T

Litter T



TINA kotka BLH g niebieski szylkret available


TARA kotka BLH j liliowy szylkret available


THOMAS kocurek BLH c liliowy available




rodzice; Nora Dominator*Pl i Denis Dominator*PL


Litter S 



SONIA kotka BLH a 03 niebieski bicolor  

Mieszka z Omarem w Warszawie


rodzice: Nora Dominator*PL i Oskar Dominator*PL

Miot R

Litter R 



RAYA kotka BLH j 03 liliowy szylkret bicolor zostaje w hodowli


RITA kotka BLH j 03 liliowy szylkret bicolor  available


RADEMENES kocur BLH n03  czarny bicolor  available  


RAMZES kocur BLH a        niebieski  mieszka z Szymonem w Świdniku


RICO kocur BLH c liliowy  zarezerwowany


RUDOLF kocur BLH b 03  czekoladowy bicolor  available


rodzice; Harita Dominator*Pl i Denis Dominator*PL


Litter P 


ur.: 06.05.2015r.

POPPEA kotka BLH f 03 czarny szylkret bicolor - mieszka u Pani Kasi

POLA kotka BLH n 03 czarny bicolor - mieszka w Warszawie

POLLY kotka BLH h czekoladowy szylkret - mieszka na Łotwie

PECTUS kocurek BLH b 03 czekoladowy bicolor - mieszka w Warszawie

PEDRO kocurek BLH n czarny - mieszka w Zamościu


rodzice: Allis of Bea-Sky i Zidaya's Peppino

Miot O

Litter O



ORNELLA kotka BLH q 03 - reservation

OMENA kotka BLH h 

OLIVIA kotka BLH c  - reservation

OMAR kocurek BLH n

OSKAR kocurek BLH a 03

OZZIE kocurek BLH c - reservation


rodzice; Harita Dominator*Pl i Denis Dominator*PL


Litter N 


ur.: 28.02.2015

NORA kotka BLH a - observation 

NERON kocurek BLH b  - reservation



rodzice: Lucy Nerissa*Pl i Aslan Sybilla*PL

Miot M

Litter M


born: 28.04.2014r.

MAILO male BLH d 03 - lives in Lublin

MILKA female BLH b 03 - lives in Grudziądz

MUFASA male BLH d  - available

MAJA female BLH q  - lives in cattery Felis Finezja*PL

 Allis of Bea-Sky*PL & Peppino Zidaya's*DE


Litter L


born: 27.04.2014r.

LEO male BLH n  - lives in Lublin

LUNA female BLH f  - lives in Lublin

LAURA female BLH f 03  - lives in Nieświastów

LILLY female BLH j 03  - lives in Lublin

LARA female BLH h  - lives in Myszków

 Harita Dominator*PL & Denis Dominator*PL

Miot K

Litter K


born: 8.03.2014r.

KATE female BLH c  - lives in Lubartów

 Lucy Nerissa*PL & Peppino Zidaya's*DE

Litter J


 born: 22.07.2013

JULIA female BLH g  - lives in Warsaw

JUNIOR male  BLH c  - lives in Lublin

JERRY male BLH c  - lives in Inowroclaw

JACK male BLH a  - lives in Lublin

  Lucy Nerissa*PL & Denis Dominator*PL

Miot I

Litter I 


born: 21.05.2013

IGA female BLH a - lives in Włodawa

IVO male BLH d - lives in cattery Sybilla*Pl

IGOR male BLH e - lives in Lublin

IWAN male BLH a -  lives in cattery Puchaty Kot*PL

 Allis of Bea-Sky*PL  & Cezar Dominator*PL

Litter H  

born: 23.03.2013

HUGO male BLH n - lives in  Zawiercie

HARRY male BLH n - lives in Łódź

HARITA female BLH n 03 -  has been with us

Lucy Nerissa*PL & Peppino Zidaya's*DE


Litter G

born.: 16.08.2012

GABI female BLH a lives in Prawiedniki 

Daisy Dominator*PL & Peppino Zidaya's*DE


Litter F

born: 10.08.2012

FILIP male BLH b - lives in Pruszcz Gdański

FIDO male BLH b - lives in Józefosław

FABIO male BLH n -lives in Lublin

FILA female BLH n - lives in Łęczna

 Lucy Nerissa*PL & Aslan Sybilla*PL


Miot E

Litter E

born: 7.08.2012

EMMA female BLH f 03 - lives in cattery Champ Fit*PL

ELVIS male BLH d - lives in Zakopane

 Allis of Bea-Sky*PL & Peppino Zidaya's*DE




Litter D

born: 15.09.2011

DAISY female BLH a - lives in Lublin

DENIS male BLH e - has been with us

 Allis of Bea-Sky*PL & Aslan Sybilla*PL


Litter C

born: 22.07.2011

CELESTE female BLH c  - lives in Lublin

CELIA female BLH c  - lives in Zamośc

CIRI female BLH a - lives in Warsaw

CILI female BLH a - lives in Warsaw

CEZAR male BLH b - has been with us

CYRYL male BLH n - lives in Wyszkow

Lucy Nerissa*PL & Aslan Sybilla*PL


Litter B

born: 9.04.2011

BLANCA female BLH a - lives in Warsaw

BERT male BLH b - lives in Lublin

Lucy Nerissa*PL & Aslan Sybilla*PL




born: 20.06.2010

AMANDA female BLH n - lives in Milejow

ARABELLA female BLH c - lives in Waesaw

ARNOLD male BLH a - has been with us